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Swiss Cigars Online Davidoff - The Cigars House


The enormous success of marketing the Hoyo de Monterrey Chateaux line in Davidoff stores, in 1967 Cubatabaco approached Zino and approached him with the idea of making cigars under his last name. This forms the basis of the historical combination. Davidoff cigars attract the attention of connoisseurs. Said to be similar to the Cohiba, distinguished by a lighter package and smoother smoke. By far the best and most respectable part of this story is Zino Davidoff's take on growing demand. This is because he wanted to maintain quality and consistency throughout the entire production. A true artisan brand, a famous Davidoff collection originates from him denying himself as a salesperson and always referring to himself as a consultant. His high value of him to customers can still be experienced by smoking his cigars.

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